Read our cleaning tips below for advice and help in keeping your home or office clean.
WE’RE Hiring! Partner with US, a BBB Accredited Company
By Admin MINW |
HOME & OFFICE CLEANING (King, Pierce, Snohomish). EARN $25.50 -$32.50+ per hour.
Read More Cleaning And Disinfecting Your Home – Everyday Steps
By Admin MINW |
What you need to know Wear reusable or disposable gloves for routine cleaning and disinfection. Clean surfaces using soap and water, then use disinfectant. Clean or launder items according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If someone is sick, keep a separate bedroom and bathroom for the person…
Read More Hire a House Cleaning Service? Or I Can Do it Myself!
By Maid Maddie |
As the owner of my own house cleaning service since 1987, I have not always scheduled having my home cleaned. Why? My thinking was that I used to clean other peoples homes, so, I can clean it myself! I have always been an “I can do it myself” kind of person. Maybe that is why…
Read More What is Green House Cleaning….Really?
By Maid Maddie |
The term “green cleaning” refers to the use of vegetable-based materials to clean surfaces rather than chemical-laden detergents and solvents. Don’t assume natural products are safer as there are a few things to know about successful green housekeeping. Green House Cleaning Seattle Unfortunately, it isn’t easy to identify which products contain hazardous ingredients. While cleaners…
Read More Can YOU Control the Cost of Your House Cleaning Services?
By Maid Maddie |
Yes, you can.First, you must book with the right house cleaning company and be clear about your house cleaning priorities.The house cleaning company you choose should:1-877-MAIDS 911 be willing to clean only the parts of your home you request to be cleaned. send in the same cleaner or team of cleaners each time. send you…
Read More Are You The “I Can Do The House Cleaning Myself” Kind Of Person?
By Maid Maddie |
As the owner of my own house cleaning service for the past 25 years, I have not always scheduled having my home cleaned by one of my fabulously talented house cleaners. Why? My thinking was that I used to clean other peoples homes, so if I can clean it myself, why have someone else clean?…
Read More Are House Cleaners Born With House Cleaning Common Sense?
By Maid Maddie |
Yes, I do believe so. I have a short “test” that my cleaning applicants take as part of their interview. It is very simple. I ask them to prioritize 10 cleaning tasks according to what is most important to cleaning clients with number 1 being most important. An applicant that has cleaning experience and common…
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